Things to Do After Debian Install

This is not standard blog post, it is meant only for me. In last few weeks I had to install Debian 12 dozen of times and always do same steps. And no, prebuilt image is not solution, Ansible/Fabric is not solution.

# cleanup update
sed -i '/^#/d' /etc/apt/sources.list
sed -i 's/\bmain\b/main contrib non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list

# big sousage command
apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install git htop mtr-tiny python3-{full,dev,pip} curl wget sudo build-essential dnsutils net-tools sudo openssh-client apt-transport-https git zip unzip unrar tcpdump gparted jq whois rsync chromium -y

# mattermost
curl -o- | bash && apt install mattermost-desktop -y

# docker
curl -L | sudo bash

# permissions
usermod -aG docker USERNAME
usermod -aG sudo USERNAME

# nodejs using nvm
curl -o- | bash && source ~/.bashrc && nvm i 20 && node -v

In case of Nvidia GPU

apt install nvidia-cuda-dev nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-drivers -y